My Rolleiflex is back from Gerry at Kindermann, I had to send it in for warranty work, something went wrong with the film advance, turns out a small part broke. Well I have the camera back and I took it up with me on my last ski day at Caledon.

As you can tell there's no snow on the ground, the daytime high was +18c. I shot the below photographs before and after skiing.

I used Kodak Plus 125 a nice old school medium speed black and white film and processed with Xtol 1+1. I prefer my film with a bit of character, my brother Alex prefers tube grained films like Ilford Delta, Kodak Tmax and Fuji Acros. I do to on occasion but I prefer a retro look to my work.

I ordered a half dozen rolls of Fomapan 400 in 120 from Freestyle Photographic and I can't wait to try that particular film out.

Hanging Bridge

West Credit after the thaw

Ice Cream Stand

Cheltanham Badlands


Earl said…
I used the Arista.EDU ultra which I believe is the same as the Fomapan. Lots of curls... Look forward to your evaluation.
Bill Smith said…
Hi Earl,

I did my research on that and I'm going to try to dry the negatives in a more humid environment after developing (plan to use Rodinal 1+50)and see if that mitigates the curling issue somewhat.

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