Milton Ontario on a Really Hot Canada Day and Podcasting

I was up in Milton Ontario Canada Day (July 1) to record some Classic Camera Revival Podcasts over at my friend James Lee's place. I had some time to kill and wandered around the downtown. The Canon FTBn was for an upcoming episode on cameras that got passed around the group, this case Mike Bitaxi sold me the Canon for $40. Tossed another $60 for a CLA and she works.

Some people ask me if I'm a professional photographer, the answer is no, I do sell prints on occasion and if you ask me really, really nicely, give me complete creative control, and don't be an ass about it after the fact, I'll photograph your portraits. Just to prove I'm not in it for the money, I shoot film, only film unless I'm grabbing a snapshot or event photo on my iPhone.

The film photography community is very welcoming, even more so in the film photography podcast community, I was invited onto the Classic Camera Revival, I guess going on two years ago, and I am happy to count Alex, John, James, Mike and Donna as dear friends/co-conspiritors/enablers.

The other thing about podcasting about film photography is meeting other film photography podcasters, in this case online. I have a lot of respect for Mike Gutterman and Andre Domingues for pumping out two episodes per week with the Negative Positives Film Photography Podcast and their Facebook group has become hangout for other film photography podcasters.

I also had the privilage of meeting Mark O'Brien from the granddaddy of them all The Film Photography Project and Podcast back in the winter, showed him around Toronto during a snowstorm, and chatted with Mike Rasso online. One day I'll get a chance to hang out with the rest of that group.

While I'm on the subject of film photography podcasts, I also listen to Analog Talk, Studio C-41and on the odd occasion Sunny 16.

If I were advising someone who is trying film photography out and is looking for more information and community tap into, listen to podcasts, not just the one I'm on.

Canon FTBn, FD 50 f1.4 chrome nose lens.
Film: Fomapan 400 Action, Tmax Dev 1+4.

Former Milton Town Hall_

Former Milton Town Hall Door Detail

North Side of Main St. Near the Post Office

Corner of Main and Martin_

Downtown Milton in the Heat_

Hot Rod Chevy

Hot Rod Chevy II

Canada Day Ceremony I

Canada Day Ceremony II

Milton Subdivision_


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