Shot these over the past two weekends, my ski season is over and so are the winter photographs. Spring is pretty much here so I am enjoying the nice weather and the lack of windchill. Geographically, the photos start at the back hill of the Caledon Ski Club, the Maclaren Side Road five mintutes southeast, and ending at the Cheltanham Badlands. I am coming back to Forks of the Credit later in April for a hike, there are a couple of side trails on the Bruce Trail I want to explore. Stay tuned. I used my trusty Olympus OM-1md with Kodak Tri-x with one roll processed in both Xtol and the other in D-76, both were 1+1 dillutions. I forgot how nice D76 is with Tri-x, it renders a classic look and I get nice shadow detail at ISO 250.