
Showing posts from November, 2011

Hilton Falls On

Took a morning walk in the woods to scout out a future Oakville Camera Club outing. The original thought this would be the winter photography outing but I think this would work better as a late May/early June photo walk instead. Camera: Series E Rolleiflex with 75 f3.5 Zeiss Planar Lens Film: Ilford Delta 100 processed in Tmax 1+4 developer.

Wandering Around Downtown with a Leica in Hand

Camera: Leica M4-2 with either a Canon 50 f1.4 or Voightlander 35 f2.5 Color Skopar Lenses. Film: Legacy Pro 400 processed in Xtol 1+1. Location: Downtown Toronto very late afternoon on a Sunday late last month.

The Nines at the Rivoli

Taken at the International Pop Overthrow at the Rivoli, Friday November 11. An audio taste of the Nines: I met the lead singer Steve Eggers back in university years ago and have been a big fan of the band since the early 1990s. I wish the Nines play a bit more often because most pop music these days is dreck.

Cannington On.

Cannington Ontario is roughly an hour's drive North East of Toronto and my family settled there in the 1830s after coming over from Forres Scotland. George Smith was a merchant with his son (my great grand father) William George Smith taking over in the latter half of the 19th Century. It's a real small town and I can see why a bunch of Smiths (my branch of the family) moved down to Toronto before WW I. I went back up to explore, I think I was the first one back in two generations. It's nice to visualize where your family put down roots and later leave. The Smiths were a prolific bunch and have a lot of relatives spread out over Durham region and other parts of Ontario. Some I have met and others I have not.