I haven't done a lot of night photography of late even less in black and white. I met up with my friend John Meadows , do click through and check out his blog, I love his photography, anyway, wandering off topic a bit. He wanted to test out a film for night photography on the boardwalk in the Beaches, I came along for the ride. Shooting night photography with film is done 98% of the time on a tripod, a decent one like a Manfrotto, Gitzo or Vanguard and avoid the cheapie stamped aluminum jobs you used to find at Black's Photo. I chose Ilford HP5 400, I've shot kilometres of the stuff over the years and I know it behaves in my go to developers and it has great reciprocity characteristics. What does that mean? Say if I wanted to expose a shot at night the light meter says 15 seconds at F11, in reality, to get what I want, I have to expose for 50 seconds. Film manufacturers have tech sheets for reference here's an example from Ilford's HP5 400 I got great results i...