Happy New Year and a new decade!
I hope everyone had a good holiday season. I got one neat toy for Christmas, my own 3.5 Series E Rolleiflex with the 75 f3.5 Zeiss Planar lens. So Alex's Rollei is going home soon. I am trying the new (to me)camera out tomorrow with high speed colour film no less with an interior photoshoot.
In the spirit of fresh starts here is a little shake up a photo study of downtown Toronto around Bay St. around quitting time. It was shot in early December with a Nikon Fm and a Nikkor 28 F2.8 Ai lens with Kodak Tri-x processed in Xtol 1+1.
I love doing landscapes but I think after the In the Shadow of the GTA Greenbelt project, I am doing something urban.

I hope everyone had a good holiday season. I got one neat toy for Christmas, my own 3.5 Series E Rolleiflex with the 75 f3.5 Zeiss Planar lens. So Alex's Rollei is going home soon. I am trying the new (to me)camera out tomorrow with high speed colour film no less with an interior photoshoot.
In the spirit of fresh starts here is a little shake up a photo study of downtown Toronto around Bay St. around quitting time. It was shot in early December with a Nikon Fm and a Nikkor 28 F2.8 Ai lens with Kodak Tri-x processed in Xtol 1+1.
I love doing landscapes but I think after the In the Shadow of the GTA Greenbelt project, I am doing something urban.