The November Toronto Film Shooters Photo Walk Part One.


I loved the Nikon FM3A and Cinestill 400D combination so much from the October walk, I did the same for November. The lens combination however, changed, I switched out the 28 and 50 for the Nikkor AIS 24 F2.8 and Ai 35 F2 lens, and it was perfect for the urban environments we were exploring on this walk. 

We took an interesting route first north to Baldwin, through Baldwin Village, to McCaul St. and south on that. Part two, we continue on from the Art Gallery of Ontario and make our way to C'est What at Church and Front St. It was a great walk. 

Camera: Nikon FM3A, Nikkor AIS lenses. 

Film: Cinestill 400D. 

Spadina at Dundas Nov 2023 Chinatown South Produce Nov 2023 Co-Working Space on Spadina_ Spadina East Side Walk Action Spadina Fruit Stand Display Dualling Dragons on Spadina Pimped Up Pick Up Pulled Over Street Vegetable Sales Chinatown Retail on Spadina Chinatown Off Season Patio Tagged Parking and Garbage Bin Baldwin House Chinatown Benjamin Moore Dealer Corner Chinatown Benjamin Moore Dealer Store Entrance Bike Parking in Front of the Apartment on Baldwin Corner of Beverley and Baldwin Baldwin Wall Art Baldwin Wall Art and CN Tower Cafe La Gaffe_ Parking on Baldwin and Boarded Up Retail Baldwin Looking West_ Pan Pan Entrance Baldwin Naturals Walking on Baldwin_ Baldwin Village Bakery Reach Machine on McCaul Midi on McCaul D'Arcy St St. Patrick's_ Dundas and McCaul Intersection Westbound 505 at McCaul


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