I have this grand plan for film, chemical and paper standardisation, well I got the chemicals down pat. I have reputation for being a bit of a "foodie" when it comes to playing around with different film emulsions, I am curious, so there. This time out I gave Lucky SHD 100 a shot. It is made in China and has bit of a reputation for "interesting effects" which is nothing more the spotty quality control.

I lucked in on this roll, it scans nicely but I have not printed from it yet. I used my Nikkormat FTn on this excursion. So I shot with Lucky to say I did, now from what I heard, Era, also from China is much further ahead in quality control and has bit of a following, now to find some.


Photo–Smith said…
Nice shots Bill
I'm a bit of a film foodie too!
My M4-P will eat anything but is currently munching Fomapan.
Rodinal + Foma is a great combination for tonality (in truth anything works in rodinal)
Not tried the Lucky yet but will do.
Keep using the film,
Bill Smith said…
Thanks for the compliment, the Leica and Fomapan is a great combination.

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