Leftovers from Last Summer.

 Leftover negatives from last July, just got around to scanning them now and I'm still not a huge fan of Kodak Tmax 100. If I want super smooth, I'll take Fuji Neopan Acros 100 in 120 any day of the week. 

Camera: Rolleiflex Series 3.5 E Planar Twin Lens Reflex Camera. 

Film: Kodak Tmax 100, HC110 B. 

Blakeblock House on Randall Church Steeple Late Afternoon Planter in Towne Square Two Houses on Thomas St Sunshine on the Dingle PArk Shores_ Vintage Olds on Robineson Hidden Front Door Off Allen Potter's Folloy on Trafalgar Old OT under the Clouds Brick Driveway off Trafalgar_ Bong's on the Corner Bong's Flower Display


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