Thursday Morning in Toronto
I met up with my friend Ori for a trip to Toronto Island a few weeks ago during the week (no sane person would go there on the weekend with the crowds). I came in for the day on the GO Train and walked over to the Garment District for breakfast. Ori was dropping his son off at day camp and would meet me there.
The camera backpack had two cameras on board. My Nikon FM2n with a Nikkor Ais 35 F2 lens loaded with Bergger Pancro 400 and a Nikon F5 for Toronto Island (stay tuned for that). Why Pancro 400? There was no consensus with the weather forecast and I wanted a film that had lots of latitude and since I was shooting in an urban environment I wanted something that can handle both shadows and highlights. Plus I though the sharpness and grain of Pancro 400 fit the bill.
I've grown to love the grain, Pancro 400 reminds me of Agfa APX 400 or Fortepan 400 (J and C Classicpan 400) with more quality control tossed in. Either you are going to love the grain structure, or hate it. Pancro 400 has character, and that's what I wanted.
Camera: Nikon FM2n, Nikkro Ais 35 F2 lens.
Film: Bergger Pancro 400, Ilfotec HC 1+31.