
Showing posts from March, 2023

Late Winter Toronto Film Shooters Photo Walk Part Two.

 Rocking a Nikon FM2 (in this case the limited edition titanium model) and Ilford HP 400 is a no fail combination for a photowalk in early March when the weather can turn on a dime. In this case it was late winter grey, sometimes you gotta embrace the grey and make it work for you. I ran with Nikkor AIS 50 F1.4 and 28 F2.8 lenses which was a perfect combo for the environment we were in, which took us off Yonge St. and walked a block west and through Yorkville and then making our way back to Yonge St.  Camera: Nikon FM2/T, Nikkor Ais lenses.  Film: Ilford HP5 400, Ilfotec HC 1+31. 

Late Winter Toronto Film Shooters Photo Walk

 The Late Winter Toronto Film Shooter's Photo Walk was a replay of an earlier outing pre Covid on a super miserable winter's day during a snow storm. This time around the weather was much more comfortable for walking up "The Longest Street in the World." Yonge St. Between Queen St. and Bloor is changing rapidly. I remember first came to Toronto in Spring 1980 with mom, dad and Alex we stayed at the Chelsea Hotel near Gerrard and the first image of Yonge St. was The Sam The Record Man sign, now the location of the TMU Student Centre. Echos of the past are still there for now, but the Yonge St. of the future, for good or ill, is asserting itself.  Camera: Nikon FM2/T, Nikkor Ais lenses.  Film: Ilford HP5 400, Ilfotec HC 1+31.