Day Trippin' In Durham Region

Been a while since I shot with Kodak Pro Image 100, it was a bright sunny long holiday weekend, and Jo-Anne was up in North Bay visiting family, so I loaded up my Nikon F2SB and drove up to Cannington with my friend Dana who is the owner of Whitney Weaving, who makes woven cmaera straps. 

The camera for this trip was my Nikon F2SB, more I think about, it's the pefect Nikon F2, it has the meter of the later AS but takes native Pre Ai Nikkor glass, and newer Nikkor manual focus lenses as long as it has the metering prong, or rabbit ears as I call them. I'm totally rethinking what I'm taking up to Billie Bear this year in terms of equipment. 

I have a personal connection to Cannington, my family settled there in the early-mid 19th century and opened a feed and grain store. My great granddad sold the business in the early 1900s and retired to Toronto. Sadly Cannington is in trouble, in the past few years, it has become more a dormitory for Lindsay, Newmarket, Aurora and the south end of Durham Region. People buy a house to sleep here, but live somewhere else. As a result Cannnington doesn't have much of a village life. I finally met the head of the Cannington Historical Society, both Dana and I got tour of the museum, I hope some of the newer residents will take an interest in the village they chose to settle in, it is a pretty spot. 

Camera: Nikon F2SB, Nikkor Pre Ai lenses. 

Film: Kodak Pro Image 100, processed by Graination Lab.  

Pakring on Cameron St. Cannington Aug 2024 Downtown Cannington Retail One Aug 2024 Downtown Cannington Retail Two Aug 2024 Downtown Cannington Retail Three Closed Salon Aug 2024 Last Day for The Social Grounds Favourite House in Downtown Cannington Cannington Story and a Half One Cannington Victorian Brick House with Some Gingerbread Peak Coneflowers Foot Bridge Across the Beaver River Beaver River Reflections Aug 2024 Two Beaver River Lilypads Aug 2024 Two Cannington Station Relocated Aug 2024 Two Cannington Station Two Aug 2024 Two Canadian Northern Sign Cannington Museum_ Cannington Church Behind the Trees Unused Church in Cannington Flag on the Front Stoop Uxbridge Feed Mill and Condo Former YDHR Rolling Stock One Aug 2024 End Of the Line for YDHR Uxbridge Train Station Aug 2024 YDHR Project Coaches Aug 2024 Downtown Schitt's Creek One Aug 2024 Downtown Schitt's Creek Two Aug 2024 Downtown Schitt's Creek Main Drag 2024


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