Leaside In Winter.

 We got capital W winter this year, Jo-Anne and I pondered what to do one Saturday, one idea was to head down to Harbourfront. Thankfully didn't go that route. Toronto got hit with roughly 25-30 cm of snow. Nowhere near as bad as Montreal, they got hit with 70+ cm of snow. This is Toronto, where there's an annual convention of the Summer Tires Club. We wandereed over into Leaside to check out Avoca Chocolates on Millwood. 

Leaside is an ineteresting neighbourhood, came into being as a new Rosedale by some owners of Canadian Northern Railway at the turn of the 20th century. North Toronto wasn't interested in having this new neighourhood amalgamated with them, so Leaside was an independent town until the late 1960s when it was folded into the borough of East York and eventually the City of Toronto. The neighbourhood is littered with a particular house, which I've nicknamed the Toronto two story which had an infinately customizable look and they are all over the place city. Leaside had a train station on the Canadian Pacific line and was served with commuter rail until the end of the 1960s. After that, you had to catch the TTC to get downtown.

The Olympus OM-1 (md and n) platfrom is a great winter camera system beloved by explorers and scientific community back in the 1970s and '80s, the lenses, Zuiko glass sealed the deal. I ran with the chrome nose 50 F1.4 and a recently acquired Ziuko MC 28 F2 lens. I noticed with the fast 28 I was getting a bit of vignetting on occasion, I'll have play with this lens more over time, I'm more used to shooting with the Zuiko 2.8 and 3.5 focal lengths. 

Camera: Olympus OM-1md, Zuiko S 50 F1.4 lens, MC Zuiko 28 F2 lens. 

Film: Kodak Tri-X 400, Ilfotec HC 1+31. 

Future Condo Development on Bayview Feb 2024 Boarded up Walk Up on Bayview Feb 2024 Bayview Traffic in the February 2025 Snow Storm Heavy Snow in Front of Dolly Jewellers February Snowstorm on Bayview_ Snow Shovel and Decorations Feb 2025 Snowy Sidewalk Display Diperie Bayview Location East Side of Bayview in Leaside_ Chatting in the Snow Feb 2025 Millwood Mural_ Snowed in Front Walk Snowed in McNaughton Road Pair of Toronto Houses in Leaside Heading Somewhere in the Snow Feb 2025 Also Heading Somewhere in the Storm._ Avoca Chocolates in Leaside_ Jo-Annne February 2025 Jo-Annne Being Patient February 2025 Snow on Millwood Sidewalks Traffic on Millwood in the Storm Empty Leaside Street in the Storm More Millwood Houses in the Winter Yet More Millwood Houses in the Winter Alley West of Bayview Belsize in the Snow


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