The January TFS Walk, Keepin' It in the Hood.
My luck with photo walk weather hit a wall this time around. The January thaw occoured and instead of snow, we got light rain, sorta, kinda mixed with snow. It was a smaller group this month thank you to both the awful weather, and Line 1 being closed from St. Clair Station northward for track work. That said awful weather gets you some decent photos.
I wound up rolling with just the Nine Element 28 F2.8 lens from Light Lens Labs on my Leica M6. I wanted a combination that can handle the more gloomy light. I also used Rollei RPX 400 at box speed, hindsight I should have pushed a stop. All in all, it was a good walk.
Camera: Leica M6 Classic, Light Lens Lab Nine Element 28 f2.8 lens.
Film: Rollei RPX 400, Rollei Supergrain Developer 1+15.
