Here is the first roll of film I ran through my most recent equipment aquisition a Nikon F2, I only had a Nikkor Auto S 50/1.4 lens on it. I wish I had my 35 wideangle lens for some of the shots, oh well I was traveling light last Saturday. Secondly there was a request from the studio audience from Kevin Tighe of Rona lansing in Oakville, a co worker of mine who wanted to see some of my colour work. As requested here it is, I used Kodak ProFoto Asa 100 colour film I purchased off a friend who got it from Eastern Europe. This emulsion is not available in the Americas, interesting to work with and I have 4 more rolls. Not quite as user friendly as Fuji Colour film which I consider my favourite. So enjoy the photos which were taken down by Queen St. and the DVP save for the top shot which was taken from the West End, guess where?