Downtown Hamilton On the Eve of 2019

I have to find my way back to Hamilton more often. New Year's Eve Day was pretty quiet on the streets. The city is changing, but nowhere the pace Toronto is and the jury is out on what the endgame will be. What surprised me was the condo development going on, again, nowhere near the same pace down the QEW. I would love to see more commercial space renovated and businesses locate in downtown Hamilton.

Camera: Nikon F4, Nikkor Ais 50 f1.4 lens.
Film: Kodak Tri-X 400 pushed 1600, HC110 B.

Gore Park in December

King St. Looking West Towards James

Cheapies on King St

Guard Dog for the Wigs

King St. Looking West Towards James II

Royal Canaught Entrance

Long Term Restoration_

Pizza Pizza and Pagoda_

Downtown Hamiton Alleyway

John St. Diner

Future Restoration


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