Little Italy back to Little Portugal

I've mentioend this before, I really have to explore Toronto's west end a little bit more.

It was also great putting my Nikon FM2n through it's paces, it's one of my workhorse cameras that I use when it starts to get cold outside, and it delivers when the temperatures dropped after lunch.

Camera: Nikon FM2n, Nikkor Ai 50 f1.4 lens, Ais 28 f2.8 lens.
Film: Rollei RPX 400.

Little Italy Row Houses

Can't Stop Won't Stop_

Alleyway Row House Complex

Mural in the Sun

Shaw Flowers and Gifts in the Afternoon Sun

Lakeview Stand Mixers

Lakeview Always Open_

Lakeview Sign_

Little Portugal Alleyway


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