Chrome Nikkormat FT3, last of the Nikkormats.
I got this camera on a whim, I already had a black Nikkormat FT3 that was gifted to my by fellow Classic Camera Revival Podcast cohost and dear friend Alex Luykx but being the collector I am of course a chrome body had to join at some point. I owned a pair of Nikon FM's, reliable cameras until they weren't, lost the meter on one and the other is just a problem child and money pit. The only thing I had to do with the chrome FT3 was replace the seals, which took a leisurely afternoon with steady hands. The chrome Nikkormat FT3 looks pristine, and the meter was rock solid, this was a camera at the end of its design life. I plan to sell off both my FMs as is/parts/project cameras, the Nikkormat FT3s fill that roll nicely, especially the chrome one. I also added another Ai 50 F1.4 lens along with Ai 35 F2 lens filling my "Super hits of the 1970s" kit. The funny thing, both my FE's just keep on trucking while the FM's became problem children. The perils of heavily...