Frugal Film Project April Installment Let's Go To the Don Valley Brickworks...
Jo-Anne, John, Jeff and I went for a dry run for an upcoming photo walk with the Evergreen Don Valley Brickworks as a starting point. It's been three years since I last visited and it wasn't busy thanks to the very changable weather. Again the best photos happen in less than wonderful conditions. The other bonus is the large artworks installed including photographs for the upcoming CONTACT Photography Festival in May.
The Don Valley Brickworks used to be an industrial ruin and turned into a park and sustainalibty hub. In warmer weather there is a farmers market, we were about a month too early for that by my guess. The big draw for The Brickworks is the grounds are right in the middle of Toronto and tie into the Beltline Rail Trail which is currently being rehablitated along the Mud Creek/Moore Park Ravine, more on that in the next post.
Camera: Nikon N90S, Nikkor AF-D 28-105 F3.5-4.5 Zoom Lens.
Film: Kodak Ultramax 400