Winter Lifeguard Stations and a Wander Along the Beach

 I was blessed with a few days of bright sunshine while I was staying at my brother's on the Beaches, my timing was perfect to catch the Winter Station Art Installation. Shooting the installations on a week day is a must as there are too many people out on weekends, and for my walk I rounded up the Mid Week Photo Walk Crew. 

The skies were really blue that week before the rain and grey skies returned. I'm glad I shot the two rolls of Superia 400 when I did. Fuji recently announced huge price increases across their photo imaging skus from film to paper and lab chemistry. I get Iford and Kodak's price increases but Fuji is aiming from 20-60% which begs the question, "Are they willfully pricing themselves out of the market?" Heck the prevailing rumour is Fuji is just cruising off master rolls but they revealed film production was halted at the start of the pandemic. Fuji's big problem is their Japanese corporate culture which is pretty much a black box compared to their competitors. Kodak Alaris and Ilford are open books in comparison. 

I"m glad I grabbed 18 rolls of Fuji Superia 400 when I did as I plan to shoot with it a lot this year saving Kodak Ultramax 400 for the Frugal Film Project.  

Camera: Olympus OM-2n, Zuiko MC 50 f1.8 lens. 

Where Lakeshore meets Woodbine March 2022 Woodbine Beach Chairs March 2022 Beach Winter Station One March 2022 Beach Winter Station One and a half March 2022 Winter Station One Front Side March 2022 Making Sense ofWinter Station One March 2022 Beach Winter Station Two March 2022 Beach Winter Station Two 2 March 2022 Life Guard Chair With Winter Station Two March 2022 Leash Free Dog March 2022 Randell Resting  March 2022 Winter Station Fun House One  March 2022 Inside Winter Station Fun House   March 2022 Buckmaster Fuller Winter Station March 2022 Buckmaster Fuller Winter Station Panels March 2022 Jawa Winter Station Two March 2022 Woodbine Bay March 2022 End of the Winter Fence at Woodbine Beach Two Emoty  Woodbine Beach  Boardwalk Wooden Surfboard Over the Porch 501 Resting at the Neville Park Loop Approaching Eastbound 501 Car Passing 501 Street Cars_


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