A Saturday Afternoon in Late November
My friend, fellow film photographer Gaetan Cormier along with his wife Natacha Duquette hopped a VIA Train from Monteal Saturday morning to come down to Toronto to check out the Lee Miller Exhbit at the Toronto Metropolitan University's Image Centre and head back to Montreal. Made for a long day for them but we still had a chance to photo walk around downtown Toronto reasonably close to Union Station for obvious reasons.
I wound up shooting with Rollei RPX 400, it's one of my staple 400 speed black and white films I reach for, I know how it behaves in a variety of developers, but I never processed it in Rollei Supergrain. Well, we had to rectify that. There's a serious amount of tonality with the greys, now granted we're shooting a day with distressed silver skies so the lighting was flat, even then I got pleasing results. The tail end of this roll was shot around my neighbourhood with highly variable light. Note to self, don't run out of RPX 400 and Rollei Supergrain developer.
Camera: Nikon FM3a, Nikkor Ai Mount Lenses.
Film: Rollei RPX 400, Rollei Supergrain Developer 1+15.
