Caledon Ski Club on an October Sunday.
I drove up to the Caledon Ski Club to attend the annual general meeting and vote in the incoming executive board slate which included my sister in law Ruxandra. Jo-Anne was busy with other stuff and it was an excuse to chase some fall colours. It was an odd fall this year, we were two weeks too early up in Northern Muskoka and at that point where mid October slides into late October, felt like I was missing the peak even in Caledon.
After the AGM concluded I walked the ski club property for a bit, then made my way back home going through the village of Inglewood. Track removal for the former Orangeville Brampton Railway was in high gear this past Summer, the level crossing was paved over and is now a crosswalk for two rail trails.
Camera: Nikon FE2, Nikkor AIS lenses.
Film: Kodak Gold 200, processed by Graination Photo Labs.
