First Roll of the Year
Didn't shoot much over the holiday season, I got sick with one nasty cold, or was it RSV, who knows. Once I got feeling a bit better I got out and about with my M6, which I was quite surprised at how well it handled winter weather. Granted I won't take it out when temperatures drop below -10c I rather shoot with a camera that is easier to shoot.
Getting reacquainted with Kodak Tri-X has been easy, it won't be an every day film but it will fill a role in my repetoire. I think Eastman XX, Fomapan 400, Ilford HP5 400 and Rollei RPX 400 are going to be more of my go to's for anything faster than 100-125 ISO.
Camera: Leica M6, Light Lens Lab eight element 35 F2 "Summicron" Lens.
Film: Kodak Tri-X 400, Ilfotec HC 1+31.
