Yeah, I did a Thing, and the December Photo Walk Part One.
I stopped by Burlington Camera back on the fall on the way back from Niagara on the Lake, Joan told me she was getting a large Leica collection incoming including a couple of M6 Classics. I asked her to set one aside for me and wasn't too picky either wether it was chrome or black. In the end I went with a very gently used chrome Solms made Leica M6 coupled with a mid 1980s vintage Made in Midland Ontario 50 f2 Summicron.
While not a stranger to M mount Leicas, it took a bit of getting used to having the framelines for 28mm but that changes the framelines for everything else, and introduce some for 75mm which I don't have a lens for, yet. The other thing having an accurate on board meter. Of course I take my new camera out out on the December Toronto Film Shooters photo walk.
Once I got used to the on board meter and the frame lines, my M6 was easy to use and enjoyed shooting with it a lot.
Camera" Leica M6 Classic, 50 F2 Summicron Lens.
Film: Kodak Tri-X 400, Ilfotec HC 1+31.
