New Lens in the Canon FD collection. The FDn 35 F2 Lens.
I finally found an FDn 35 F2 lens that wasn't over priced and two, a science experiment. The Cine lens rehousing crowd have been obessed with Canon FD lenses over the past few years and have been buying up the best examples. As much as I love my early 1970s pre SSC chrome nose 35 F2 lens with the Thorium element, having a lighter lens in the camera bag is a nice thing to have. Once it landed I mounted the FDn 35 F2 on my Canon New F-1 and wandered the neighbourhood early in the new year around the neighbourhood.
The results speak for themselves, this lens rocks, but then most FD mount lenses do. I used Lomochrome 92 400 film, they position it as a nostalgia result, you know, faded prints and such from the 1990s. I shot with one roll last Summer in my Nikkormat FT3, I like the results from the New F-1 better, now bear in mind, it's a more accurate meter and the camera is ten years younger. No doubt I would get similar results through a Nikon F2 from the 1970s with a well sorted out meter. I'm still looking for the sweet spot with Lomochrome 92 but I think it does nicely in the grim early winter light. Maybe I should try this combo again in May with much brighter light.
Camera: Canon New F-1, FDn 35 F2 Lens.
Film: Lomochrome 92 400, processed by Graination Lab.
