Walk Along College in Little Italy
I've shot my share of Bergger Pancro 400 over the years, and I'm a sucker for it's tonality. That said, once I run out of the 35mm, I'm not shooting with it again. Pancro 400 in 120 however, now that's a different ballgame, it sings in my F series Rolleiflex, the 75mm F3.5 Zeiss Planar lens does the film justice. I'll have to track down another brick or two of Pancro 400 in 120 when I run out. It's not a common film on this side of the Atlantic.
The Rolleiflex came along for the ride with me a few weeks ago to renew my passport as it was expiring in July, the Service Canada location in Little Italy is a lot more civilized compared to other locations. All in all, took maybe a half hour on the outside and I was down the street having lunch at Cafe Diplomatico. The new passport showed up a week and a half later which blew my mind, that was fast.
Haven't shot much with TLR last year, all my Rollei's and Mamiya C220F were in storage. I plan to shoot square format a lot more often this year.
Camera: Rolleiflex 3.5 F Planar Twin Lens Reflex Camera.
Film: Bergger Pancro 400, Ilfotec HC 1+31.
