Summer was Last Month

I forgot how nice FDn lenses render colour film. My Canon New F-1 AE is finally totally sorted out and I pleased to get a perfect negative. The colours just feel right even in if the film was made 18 years ago and kept in cold storage.

The Canon F-1 series will be part of an upcoming Classic Camera Revival episode taping session so stay tuned for that.

Camera: Canon New F-1 AE, FDn 50 f1.4 lens, FDn 50 f3.5 Macro lens.
Film: Agfa Vista 200, expired in 2004.

Downtown Oakville Construction from the Shade

Olde Oakville Semi

Patriotic Front Porch Sept 2019

Historic House In the Centre_

Three Historic Houses_

Erchliss in the Sun Sept 2019

TOWARF Rescue Boat at the High Watermark

A Dash of Blue in a Sea of Yellow

White Flower

Floral Pair II

Arts and Crafts meeds Modern Addition

Gairloch House_

Blast of Colour_


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