Japan Camera Hunter Streetpan 400, A Reconsideration.
Remember a few weeks ago I was bemoaning my results with Streetpan 400 with thin negatives that looked under exposed? I consulted the hive mind on a few film photography communities and wanting to use up what's left. I shot another roll shooting around old Oakville half on an overcast day with distressed steel skies and the other half on a sunny January Saturday. The rig of choice was a Nikkormat FT3 shooting mostly on an Ai Nikkor 35 F2 lens. This time around things were different, much nicer negatives.
Lets start with the first elephant in the room JCH Streetpan 400, isn't really 400 ISO, I got my decent results this time around at 200 ISO using the published 400 ISO developing times. Also there was nothing for Ilfotec HC so I used HC110 dillution B and added 15 seconds to be on the safe side. The results were night and day, at 200 I got super nice dense negatives perfect for scanning. That begs the question, will I now get more in the future, I'll have to get back to you on that.
Camera: Nikkormat FT3, Nikkor Ai lenses.
Film: Japan Camera Hunter Streetpan 400 @200 ISO, Ilfotec HC 1+31 (5min, 15sec at 20c).