Kensington Market December 2022


Been ages since I wandered through Kensington Market, I did so with a group of photogaphy buddies after a Dim Sum lunch on Spadina. It started Sunny, after lunch, the clouds rolled in, and has stayed that way since. 

JCH Streetpan 400, damn, on occasion, I can hit it out of the ballpark, other times, most of the frames on the roll are thin with little shadow detail, Believe 80% of the shots on my post here are post processed hard in Lightroom. This is the case at box speed, and also over exposed at 200 ISO and with my go to developers like D76 and HC110. I'm using Ilfotec HC these days so I'm going to have to figure out a time for the film, probably the same as HC110 B plus 30 seconds maybe. I'm stumped to be honest, I want to make this film sing but can't quite consistantly crack the metaphorical nut. 

Camera: Nikkormat EL, Pre Ai Nikkor lenses 

Film: JCH Streetpan 400, D76 1+1.

Rock and Roll Holy Ground, Now an Event Venue The Neon Palm Two Dec 2022 East Side of Spadina Ave Krispy Kreme Corner St. Patrick SW Corner Spadina Looking South to Dundas Kennsington Market Shuul_ Middle of St. Andrew looking to Kensington Ave Kensington Ave Mural Kensington Ave Corner Market Kensington and Baldwin Baldwin Alleyway Gates Baldwin St. Looking Toward Augusta Hooked on Baldwin St Standing at Baldwin St. and Agusta Laneway off Bellvue Ave Heap Residence Kensington Market Garage Mural_ Muraled Garages More  Muraled Garages College St. North Side Kensington Market World on a Chair Open 7 Days a Week Welcome to Kensington_


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