Test Roll From my Rollei 35 Part One.
I blame my brother Alex Smith for all this, that's my story and I'm sticking to it. He is a big fan of the Rollei 35 and owns a few of them. He travels a lot for work so one along with maybe two rolls of film goes into his briefcase and it is the perfect travel rig. The Rollei 35 when it was introduced back in 1966 was the smallest 35mm camer in production at the time. It came with a 40mm F3.5 Zeiss Tessar lens and it garnered a lot of love from photographers around the world including Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Production moved to Singapore in the early 1970s and the 35S with a 40 f2.8 Sonnar lens was also introduced. I traded in my Olympus OM-4 two weeks ago for a Rollei 35S, you read more about that another time. This camera is small as in it fits into your jacket pocket small and you forget about it. Small enough it fits into one hand only. My brother swears by this camera when skiing and I plan to take mine up this winter too. There are some quirks, the film a...