Beaches Pre Shut Down, Scenes from Before..... and Random Things
The week before the big lock down was a weird time, kinda like the phoney war in the early weeks of World War Two. I noticed there were slightly less people about but bars and restaraunts were doing a steady business. At least the established ones, I had dinner at Beaches Brewing Company two days before they closed down, first off Queen St. is a lot like Lakeshore Road in Oakville, dead in the winter. Two, the Covid 19 scare was just starting to sink in. On a Tuesday night it was me, the bartender, the line cook or two in back and the manager/owner, after dinner, a a party of six rolled in, that was it. The brewpub closed it's doors on the Thursday and went back to contract brewing, turns out the landlord was greedy, and probably leveraged. That space is going to be empty for a while. (Update since writing this, Beaches Brewing Company came into a new agreement with their landlord and for now are surviving for now).
Camera: Minolta XD-11, MD Rokker lenses.
Film: Ilford HP5 400, HC110 B.

Camera: Minolta XD-11, MD Rokker lenses.
Film: Ilford HP5 400, HC110 B.
