Borrowed my Brother's Nikon F5 and I'm so Screwed.
I borrowed Alex's F5 again and I'm so screwed.
Ok, lets back up a bit, back at the end of August in my late Summer dog and house sitting stint in the Beaches I borrowed Alex's F5 to run some slide film. I was in over my head with the camera and wasted a third of a roll of Velvia 50. Yeah put the camera back where I found it and moved on. I love my F100, F90x's and F4.
Fast forward to the Christmas break, I'm back in the Beach, asked Alex if I could borrow his F5 again, I ran a roll of Japan Camera Hunter Streetpan 400 and Lomography 400 colour film. I'm screwed, so screwed because I want one now. What's the difference between then and now? I took the time to get the know the camera, and of course peek at the owner's manual I pulled up on my iPad. The F5 became a much more comfortable camera to shoot with, knowing what all the controls did I pushed the camera a bit.
If shooting with a Nikon F or F2 is like driving a vintage Porsche 911, the F5 is a Maclaran supercar. I set it up for 3D Colour Matrix metering and aperture priority, and went to town on the photowalk. I just ran with the AF-D Nikkor 50 f1.4 lens, making the F5 a really fast and complicated point and shoot. I since picked up the AF-D Nikkor 50 f1.4 and there will be a future blog post about that. The F4 is a heavy camera that doesn't feel heavy, it is that well balanced. Like its predecssor F4, the F5 takes AA batteries which are available everywhere, which is good as you need a lot of them to power the camera up.
Yes, I want a F5, along with the AF-D 20-35 F2.8 and the AF-D 80-200 F2.8 lenses, I already have the 50 f1.4. GAS hit hard.
Camera: Nikon F5, AF-D Nikkor 50 f1.4 lens.
Film: Japan Camera Hunter Streetpan 400, D76 1+1.
