Wander Around with the Minolta X-700 and Color Plus 200

I had to walk over to Maplegrove Plaza and pick up some medication for mom, and of course, pack a camera with me, in this case the trusty X-700 with the half finished roll of Kodak Color Plus 200. You be surprised what you can find in your own neighbourhood. Note: Wedgewood Pool is now open at a reduced capacity. 

Camera: Minolta X-700, Md Minolta lenses. 
Film: Kodak Color Plus 200

Drained Wedgewood Pool Wedgewood Baseball Diamond Wedgewood Park Path Bridge Across Wedgewood Creek_ Good News Tree Big Stuffed Giraffe Durham St._ Edgemere Promanade in the Morning Two Edgemere Promanade in the Morning Warning Please Keek Off the Rocks Edgemere Promanade Looking East June 2020 Flying the Maple Leaf On the Shore June 2020


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