Walking Along Queen St. East

 When I was at my brother's in the Beaches, I decided to hop the 501 streetcar and stop by Downtown Camrea for a film top up. I wanted some Ultrafine Extreme but they were pretty much out so I settled on some Fomapan 400. This was the first time I hopped onto public transit since the pandemic began and while I don't suffer from anxiety, the ride to Church and Queen Streets had me on edge. I decided to walk back to my brother's place. Yes I got my steps in but it was a weird walk from Downtown Camera to the Don River, I kept my camera in the camera bag. By the time I reached the border between Corktown and Riverside I felt more relaxed and did some shooting. 

Bergger Pancro 400's grain accentuated the gloom and humidty that day, by the time I got back to my brother's the skies opened up and the rain really came down. Truthfully I should have just pushed some HP5 or Ultrafine Extreme 400 to 1600 and gone from there. Things didn't shake out that way. 

Camera: Olympus OM-2n, Zuiko lenses. 

Film: Bergger Pancro 400, HC110 B. 

Bayview Extension Looking South_ Where King and Queen Meet in Riverside 504 Broadview Crossing the Don River on Queen St._ Don River Reflection CLRV in the Shop_ Sarah Ashbridge House August 2020 Queen and Canaught_ Stuffed Animal Brigade_ Sad Teddy Ashdale Neighbourhood Stores


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