Brock Township 2020 Part One.
If there was one song that would ecapsulates the next two posts is It's Inmaterial's Driving Away from Home . On a late September's day, I hopped in may car and started driving northeast. Well, the game plan later in the afternoon was pick up my Nikon F100 off my friend Frank in Uxbridge, but I wanted to go a wee bit further north to Cannington, from where my family settled in the 1820s.
Of course I was moving too slow in the morning and I should have left Oakville two hours earlier, oh well. I had my two hours in Cannington and got the photos I wanted, even then, I didn't get everything because I was on the clock to pick my camera up in Uxbridge.
Camera: Nikon FE2, Nikkor Ais 50 f1.8 lens (pancake version).
Film: Ilford FP4 125, ID-11 1+1.
