Harbourfront Walk with Alan Duncan Part One.
Fellow film photography photo blogger Alan Duncan of Canny Cameras was in town a few weeks ago with his family on a last minute holiday. It was their first visit to both Toronto and Canada and we delivered a sunny weekend for a photo walk as representatives of both the Toronto Film Shooters FB Group and Classic Camera Revival which included both myself, Jo-Anne and John Meadows.
It was a hot day with a cloudless blue sky and we started out at Balzac's by St. Lawerence Market and making our way down to Harbourfront and heading west from the Redpath Sugar Refinery the last real bit of industry along the waterfront. We noticed the ferry terminal and water taxis were slammed with people headed to the Toronto Islands for day at the beach.
Camera: Nikon F3HP, Nikkor AIS lenses.
Film: Rollei RPX 100, Ilfotec HC 1+31.